Saturday 14 December 2013


This a super bright layout which I thought as it is summer here is Australia would be fun. The colours are even brighter than I would normally use, but I gesso-washed the green floral background paper to make it slightly less bright.

The photo is of my youngest daughter Charlotte taken a few years ago when we were on the Manly Ferry on Sydney Harbour.

It was such a special day, a beautiful, sunny, happy day that our family spent together.



Sunday 1 September 2013


This is a photo of my Miss Maddy taken when she was younger. It was an early morning photo when she was all sparkly-arkly not long out of bed.

It is has always been one of my favourite photos and I thought it would go perfectly with lots of creams, golds, and bronze colours. The amazing selection of flowers and trims from Green Tara meant that the colour scheme was a breeze.

Some stamping, painting and tearing and it was all done.

See you


Saturday 24 August 2013

Cute and Cranky Page

This page is of my youngest daughter Charlotte and shows her "cute" and "cranky" side.

For me scrapbooking isn't always about the perfect photos but those that show those true moments during our life. Life isn't perfect and neither are photos but this doesn't mean that they don't reflect an important time or emotion for US in our own lives.

Trust me if you knew my darling Charlotte at 2 y.o. you would understand the "cranky" photo. It's a bad photo no doubt about that, but I still loved scapping it because it was all about emotions and feelings of being a not- happy,  unco-operative and snappy 2 year old!

I gesso'd the whole page and then used texture paste, glimmer mist and paints on the background and then added some af my favourite  Green Tara flowers and  2 Crafty chippies. Was a fun page to do xx


Sandy xx

Scapbookers who inspire me

The pages that inspire me the most are by the uber-talented Gabrielle Pollaco. Her blog is "Such a Pretty Mess" and wowee this lady is AMAZING!! Stacks of tutorials, and if you love shabby-chic Gabrielle's blog and style is the way to go!

Living on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia, I am super fortunate to be able to visit " "Di's Scrapbooking Memories"  at the Entrance.This little shop is packed full of every product, paper and cardstock that a scrapper would ever want. Not only that,  the owner Di Garling and Jan Rankin are both Design Team Members on several teams and are right there to share their amazing talent.

I am getting a new camera next week so can't wait to start to post some photos of my work.

Nighty night all xx


Friday 1 February 2013

My first blog

My first blog ever and I am not really sure what  I am doing!! How do  I add all those lovely graphics and titles I see on other pages!!

Anyway this blog is about my scrapbooking journey. I love scrapbooking pictures of my 2 darling daughters. Not that I am arty or crafty in any way I just LOVE scrapbooking and having fun with all the techniques and materials available, Will be sharing soon XX
